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This activity is about identifying the midpoints of a line on a coordinate grid.


The lines will be horizontal or vertical.

You will be given the endpoints of the line.


Remember the x number comes before the y number.


To find the midpoint

- Find the length of the whole line.

- Halve this length.

- Move along this half-distance from either of the endpoints.



Find the coordinates of M, the midpoint of AC shown on the grid below.


coordinate grid



The line AC is 8 units long. 


Count the squares to check.


A has an x-coordinate of -5.

B has an x-coordinate of +3.


From -5 up to +3 is 8 units.


The half-distance is 8 ÷ 2 = 4 units.


a coordinate grid


M is the midpoint on the line AC.

It is 4 units to the right of A and 4 units to the left of C.

The coordinates of M are (-1, -3).


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