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What do you know already about the characters in 'Romeo and Juliet'?


Romeo and Juliet on the balcony


There are lots and lots of characters in 'Romeo and Juliet'. Some of the main characters we meet in the play are:

- Romeo

-  Juliet

- Lord and Lady Capulet

- Lord and Lady Montague

- Benvolio

- Mercutio

- Tybalt

- Juliet's nurse

- Paris

- Friar Laurence

- Prince Escalus


In the exam, you may be asked to write about how a particular character is presented in an extract from 'Romeo and Juliet'.

You will also need to know the play well enough to write about how a character is presented in the play as a whole.


You should always refer to your own text when working through these examples. These quotations are for reference only.

The quotations/text used in this exercise are from the copyrighted works of William Shakespeare, 'Romeo and Juliet'.