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Every object around us is made of material - solid, liquid, or gas.


When we choose materials, for example, to make a bicycle, it is the properties of those solids, liquids, or gases which make them most useful.


boy and girl with umbrellaboy on bike


Solids have a wide range of properties and we use scientific vocabulary to describe them. Although some solids have the same properties, this does not always make them the best material for the job!

For example, we wouldn't make a bicycle frame from stone, even though it's hard, or umbrellas from glass because it is waterproof!



Which of the following materials would be the best for a teddy bear?

- glass 

- metal

- paper

- fleece 


teddy bear



The best material for a teddy bear would be fleece because it is soft and cuddly! 

A bear made of paper would break easily and a bear made of metal or glass would be too hard. Teddy bears are made for cuddling! 


Let's get started on the questions.


girl dancing

10 questions