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When you are analysing quotations in the exam, try to zoom in on individual words!


"Suddenly she attacks him, half-laughing, half crying."


In the quotation above, we might zoom in on "attacks", "half-laughing" and "half-crying" to show close analysis.



Think about:


- What technique has Delaney used? E.g. verb, simile, imagery, etc.


- What are the connotations of this word? What does it suggest about the character/theme?


- What effect does this have on the audience?


- How does it help to reflect something about the context in which Delaney was writing?


Have a go at the following questions, which will help you to closely analyse quotations and think about what they suggest about particular characters, themes or ideas in 'A Taste of Honey.'



You should always refer to your own text when working through these examples.  These quotations are for reference only.

The quotations/text used in this exercise are from the copyrighted works of Shelagh Delaney, 'A Taste of Honey'