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In this activity, we will be working out the missing number in a sequence of numbers up to 100. 

We can use the number square to help us if it is tricky. 


boy counting


There are two steps to solve each question. 

First, we need to work out if it is going forwards or backwards. 

Then, we need to count along and work out which number is missing. We can use the number square if it is a bit tricky. 




12, 13, 14, 15,  _ , 17

Is this number pattern going forwards or backwards? The numbers are getting bigger, so this means it is going forwards. 


Now, let's count along from 12 and work out what the missing number is. To help, we can look for 12 on the number square and count along with our finger until we get to the missing number: 


100 number square 

The missing number is after 15, so it is 16. 


Shall we try some questions now?


happy girl