Celebrate World Teachers' Day with EdPlace

World Teachers' Day has been held annually on 5th of October since 1994 and celebrates the essential role of teachers in providing quality education at all levels.

The day was established by UNESCO and its aim is to raise awareness of the work done by teachers and to support them to help the learning of future generations.


Get involved & celebrate your fantastic teachers


Do you have a teacher you want to thank?
Join our campaign and say thank you to your favourite teacher. We would like to invite primary and secondary school children and their parents to celebrate World Teachers’ Day with us and honour teachers for all their hard work. 

1. Print the thank you card from here

2. Share a photo with the card - use the hashtag #thankyourteacher through EdPlace's Facebook or Twitter page


On World Teachers' Day EdPlace will draw 5 submissions and surprise the nominated teachers with flowers and chocolate.


Share your message of thanks!

