Terms and Conditions
Last updated on 20 August 2024


Please read the terms and conditions (“Terms”) carefully. These Terms govern your use of “EdPlace” (the “Service” or "Website") located at the website www.edplace.com (and any other website or application operated by EdPlace Limited).
In these Terms, the terms “the Company”, “we”, “us” and “our” means EdPlace Limited (a company incorporated in England and Wales with the registered company number 7448614 and registered office at Wallace House, 4 Falcon Way, Welwyn Garden City, England, AL7 1TW). The terms “you” or “your” means you as a user of EdPlace.
EdPlace Limited is part of the Supporting Education Group family of companies (the “Group”) and works together with our fellow Group companies (such as Fleet Tutors and Fleet Education Services) to deliver a comprehensive service. Please see our Privacy Policy for more information about how we use and share your data both within and outside of our organisation.     
Please read the Terms carefully as they affect your rights and liabilities under the law. If you do not agree to these Terms, please do not use the Service or become a registered user of the Service.
Please note that these Terms do not affect your statutory rights.
1. Your Contract
Your contract is with EdPlace Limited (details above), trading as EdPlace.com. Our principal place of business is at Wallace House, 4 Falcon Way, Welwyn Garden City, England, AL7 1TW and our email address is [email protected]. Our VAT registration number is 779 9940 39. If you access our services through a partner organisation, please note that you are also subject to the terms and conditions of that partner.


If you use the EdPlace Service via the Company’s apps on Apple’s iOS or Google’s Android (together the ‘Apps’), you have downloaded the apps from the app store of a third party and the general terms and conditions and/or terms of use of the app store will apply in addition to these general terms and conditions. Please be sure to review the terms of use that apply in your country. In the event of any conflicts, these EdPlace Terms will prevail.
2. Your Obligations to Us
When you use the Service, either directly or via a third party organisation you agree to abide by these Terms and Conditions. If you are a Parent, you also confirm your      consent to the processing of your child’s data in accordance with our Privacy and Cookie Policies. If you are an Educator, you confirm that you have the consent of the student, and if they are a child, the child’s parent or legal guardian to the processing of the child’s data in accordance with our Privacy and Cookie Policies.
3. Intellectual Property
The content on the Service is owned by EdPlace Limited and is protected by copyright, trademarks, database and other intellectual property rights. You may retrieve and display the content on the Service on a computer screen or print one copy of such content for your own personal, non-commercial use, provided you keep intact all and any copyright and proprietary notices. You agree to comply with our Fair Usage Policy (as detailed in section 5 below). In particular, you may not reproduce, modify, copy or distribute or use for commercial purposes any of the materials or content on EdPlace without written permission from EdPlace Limited. Making unauthorised copies of content found on the Service may result in the termination of your membership and further legal action. If in doubt, you should email [email protected] for further information. 
4. The EdPlace Recommender
We have developed a new piece of software/technology which includes a recommendation algorithm using artificial intelligence (AI) to deliver relevant exercises to help maximise student attainment. The software analyses student learning data and the results we receive enables us to provide better quality recommendations to the student as to what activities and worksheets they should tackle next. 
To protect the integrity and proprietary nature of this algorithm, the following restrictions apply to any User of our Service:
- Prohibition on Reverse Engineering: Users shall not, and shall not permit any third party to, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or otherwise attempt to derive the source code, underlying ideas, algorithms, structure, or organisational form of the algorithm.
- No Unauthorised Access: Users are prohibited from accessing or using the algorithm for any purpose other than its intended use as part of the Service. Unauthorised access to or use of the algorithm, including attempts to access data or systems not intended for the User, is strictly prohibited.
- Restriction on Data Extraction: Users shall not use any automated systems, software, or other methods to extract data from the algorithm or the results generated by the algorithm ("scraping"). The data provided by the algorithm is for personal, non-commercial use only.
- Intellectual Property Rights: The algorithm and all related intellectual property rights, including but not limited to copyright in the coding, trade secrets, and database rights in the data collected by the algorithm, are owned by EdPlace. Users shall not claim ownership of any part of the algorithm or use it in a manner that infringes on EdPlace`s intellectual property rights.
- Confidentiality: Users must maintain the confidentiality of any proprietary information regarding the algorithm that they may have access to. This includes any nonpublic information about the algorithm`s design, functionality, or performance.
- Use of Anonymised Data: The algorithm does not use any personal data, and instead only uses anonymised data for its operations. The only data we retain is a student’s year group.  Please see our Privacy Policy for more information about the data we collect and use from our Users.  Users are prohibited from attempting to re-identify any anonymised data or otherwise compromise the privacy of individuals whose data may be processed by the algorithm.
- Compliance with Policies: Users must comply with all applicable policies, including EdPlace`s Privacy Policy and any other guidelines provided by EdPlace regarding the use of the algorithm.
- Reporting Breaches: If you become aware of any breaches of these restrictions, you must report them immediately to [email protected].
By adhering to these restrictions, you help EdPlace maintain the security, integrity, and effectiveness of its recommendation algorithm. Thank you for your cooperation.



5. Fair Usage Policy
An EdPlace subscription to our Services is intended to support students in their learning journey. To ensure that all Users have a positive and equitable experience, we have established this Fair Usage Policy. This policy is designed to prevent misuse and ensure the fairness and integrity of our services. By using our Service, you agree to the following guidelines:
Personal Use Only: The content provided by us is intended solely for personal, non-commercial use. Users are prohibited from using the content for any commercial purpose without first obtaining our prior written consent.
Reasonable Usage: Users are expected to use the content reasonably and within the typical scope of individual or educational use. Excessive use that may impair the performance or availability of the Service for other Users is not permitted. We consider that no individual user would reasonably need to do any of the following: 
- complete large numbers of activities;
- complete activities at high speed;
- complete activities across an extensive range of age groups;
- complete activities from a wide variety of devices;
- complete activities from different devices concurrently.
Prohibited Activities: The following activities are considered misuse and are strictly prohibited:
- Copying, distributing, or modifying any content from EdPlace without authorisation.
- Using automated systems or software to extract data or content from EdPlace ("scraping").
- Sharing login credentials with non-registered users to provide them access to the Service.
- Using the content in a manner that infringes on intellectual property rights.
Monitoring and Enforcement: We reserve the right to monitor usage patterns (including frequency of activities, frequency of access and the number of devices you use to access the Services from) and we may take necessary actions, at our sole discretion, if misuse is detected. Actions may include suspending or terminating access to the Service (with or without notice), and/or taking legal action.
Reporting Misuse: If you become aware of any misuse of EdPlace content, please report it immediately to [email protected].
By adhering to this Fair Usage Policy, you help us maintain a high-quality service for all Users. Thank you for your cooperation.
6. Use of EdPlace
You will be able to access some areas of EdPlace without registering as a registered user of the Service or via a third party organisation. However, by accessing any part of EdPlace you agree to be bound by these Terms and, in particular, agree to the Privacy Policy
7. User Types     
There are 3 principal types of users of the Service:
- Parents, including non-paying parents (“Free Parents”) and parents subscribed to the Service (“Paying Parents”);
- Educators, including paying tutors, schools, teachers, administrators and moderator users (“Paying Educators”) and free teacher users (“Free Educators”);
- Students, including students with access to their student account (“Active Students”) and students without access to their student account (“Inactive Students”). 
To register as a Parent or Educator, you must be over eighteen years of age. 
To access all elements of the EdPlace Platform and Service you must become a Paying Parent or Paying Educator (together “Member”)
 8. Member Payment Options
To register as a Member or access our services via a third party partner, you must provide your contact details (including email address), set a secure password, choose a monthly or annual plan (a “Subscription Plan”) and make payments via credit or debit card to the Company. Educator Members can request to pay by BACS or alternative payment methods, however, the Company reserves the right to approve or decline such requests at its discretion. Our Subscription Plans are as follows:
- Monthly Subscription (billed every calendar month); and
- Annual Subscription (billed every 12 calendar months).
The Subscription Plan rate is calculated on the number of Active Students and, in the case of educators and partner organisations, Subject Access. For full details visit our pricing page. All prices are expressed inclusive of any VAT payable unless otherwise indicated. These prices may be changed from time to time and we may introduce new options. Once you have subscribed to a Subscription Plan, this rate will not change unless you change your Subscription Plan (see section 9 for details). We reserve the right to vary the Subscription Plan rates at any time.
Please note that if you purchase a subscription through one of our apps, the sale is final, and we will not provide a refund. Your purchase will be subject to Apple’s and Google’s applicable payment and privacy policies, which also may not provide refunds. 
9. Member Subscription
All Subscription Plans start with an initial payment and term. This is your "Initial Term". If you choose to pay by credit or debit card, on the date you become a Member, your credit/debit card will be charged for your Initial Term. You will also be sent a confirmation by email to your notified email address. You can cancel your Subscription Plan at any time during or after your Initial Term. After your Initial Term, you will be charged at the agreed intervals linked to your chosen Subscription Plan (usually monthly or yearly) until your membership is cancelled (your "Membership Term"). Your Membership Term begins on the next calendar date after the date on which your Initial Term ends and finishes when your membership is cancelled.
All credit/debit card payments are processed by Level 1 PCI-compliant payment processing providers. No credit/debit card details are stored by EdPlace Limited.
If you’re an Educator and choose to pay by BACS or alternative payment method, your Initial Term will start on the date payment is received by the Company unless otherwise agreed and confirmed in writing. 
For users accessing services through a partner, the partner will manage your subscription and payment process in accordance with our agreement.
10. Member Trial
Some Members are offered a free or paid trial (the "Trial") of the Service. The Company reserves the right to vary the  cost and/or length of the Trial at any time. For the avoidance of doubt, the Trial is the Initial Term for those Members on a Trial. At this time, we do not offer a Trial for Parent Members as we offer Free User Access (see section 11). For Educator Members, a Trial is available only once for the educational institution or individual. Subsequent trials by the same person at any address, or by any other person at the same address are not permitted.  
For users accessing services through a partner, trial offers may be managed and provided by the partner organisation in line with their terms in addition to our own.
11. Free User Access
Users may be offered Free Access to the Service with restricted account use. The Company reserves the right to vary the nature and type of the Service available and remove access to the Service at any time without notice. For the avoidance of doubt, the Free User access to households is available only once to any one person with only one member of a household and for one student only. Free User access is available to teachers with qualified teacher status who are currently employed in schools that are recognised schools by the Department for Education in England, the Welsh Government, Education Scotland and the Department for Education in Northern Ireland. Eligible teachers may only share access with students at their school in accordance with the limits set by us and not use for any other purpose. Free Access is not available to teachers at any other institutions, including for-     profit institutions.
 12. Group Tuition Packages
By purchasing and participating in group tuition packages, you agree to adhere to these Terms & Conditions.
Service Providers: Group tuition services will be provided by us and our affiliated companies will run the tuition sessions on our behalf. These Terms and Conditions will apply to your purchase and use of these services.
Fees: The price for the group tuition services will be as displayed on the relevant sales pages on our website.
Booking and Payment: All bookings for group tuition sessions must be made in advance, via the purchase and sign-up pages on our website. Payments for these sessions are required at the time of booking. Payment methods accepted include credit/debit cards and other methods as specified by the service provider.
Cancellation and Refunds: Cancellations must be made within the 14 day cooling off period after you have entered into a contract with us (this is usually once you have made your payment), and in any event within at least 5 working days (excluding Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays) before the first scheduled session, to be eligible for a refund. If a session is cancelled with less than 5 working days’ notice (excluding Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays), or outside of the 14 day cooling off period, no refund will be provided. Once your course has started, no refunds or cancellations can be offered.
Session Conduct: Participants are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful and appropriate manner during all group tuition sessions. Disruptive behaviour may result in removal from the session without a refund.
Session Recordings: Sessions may be recorded for quality assurance, training, and compliance purposes. By registering your child for tuition sessions, you consent to such recordings. All recorded data will be processed in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
Liability: EdPlace and its affiliated companies are not liable for any personal injury, loss, or damage that occurs during group tuition sessions, except where such liability cannot be excluded by law.
Privacy and Data Protection: Your personal data will be processed in accordance with our Privacy and Cookie Policies and the privacy policies of the respective service providers. This includes the sharing of necessary information to facilitate the provision of group tuition services. 
13. Changing your Subscription Plan
As a Member, you may upgrade or downgrade your Subscription Plan at any time. You can upgrade your account by upgrading from an Individual to a Family Plan or from a Monthly to an Annual Plan (in the case of a Parent User) or upgrading Subject Access or Student Numbers (in the case of an Educator User). Any increase in your Subscription Plan rate resulting from an upgrade will take effect immediately, being prorated to the remainder of your billing period, and will be amended for your next billing period and will continue thereafter until you change or cancel your Subscription Plan. You can downgrade your account by changing from a Family to an Individual Plan or from an Annual to a Monthly Plan (in the case of a Parent User) or downgrading Subject Access or Student Numbers (in the case of an Educator User paying by credit or debit card). Any decrease in your Subscription Plan rate resulting from a downgrade will take effect at your next billing period and will continue thereafter until you change or cancel your Subscription Plan.
Educators who pay via invoice may only upgrade their Subscription Plan, as downgrades and associated refunds are not permitted for invoiced payments.
For users accessing services through a partner organisation, additional terms may apply in accordance with their own terms
14. Ending your Subscription Plan
As a Member, you may end your Subscription Plan at any time. You can cancel your Subscription Plan in your account or by sending us a cancellation request to [email protected]. All cancellation requests must be received by us at least 24 working hours (excluding Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays) before the renewal date of your next billing period. We will attempt to process all cancellation requests within 24 working hours (excluding Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays) after we receive the request. If you cancel your membership less than 24 working hours (excluding Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays) before the renewal of your Subscription Plan and you are charged for the next membership period, you should contact us at [email protected]. We reserve the right not to make any refund in these circumstances. All cancellation requests must give your first name, last name and EdPlace registered email address and inform us of your intention to cancel. We reserve the right not to give refunds for any unused Subscription Plan.
Please note that in the case of an app subscription, your subscription will be subject to Apple’s and Google’s applicable payment policy and you have the right to withdraw from the respective operator of the app store. You may cancel your subscription by cancelling the automatic renewal of a paid app subscription on Apple and Google in account settings, or according to the current process outlined by Apple or Google.
For users accessing services through a partner organisation, additional terms may apply in accordance with their own terms.
15. Cooling-off Period
In addition to your right to end your Subscription Plan, in accordance with clause 14 of these Terms, if you are a consumer in the United Kingdom or any country that is a member of the European Union, you have a legal right to cancel your Subscription Plan under the Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013 at any time until the expiry of the fourteenth (14th) day from the date of your Initial Term. In the event of cancellation in accordance with this clause before you have commenced use of the Service, you will receive a full refund of the price you have paid for the Initial Term. In the event that you cancel in accordance with this clause once you have commenced use of the Service, you agree that we have the right to deduct our reasonable charges from any refund. If the reasonable charges exceed the price you paid for the Initial Term, you will not be eligible for a refund. Reasonable charges include costs associated with setting up and administering your account. We will process the refund as soon as possible and, in any case, within fourteen (14) days from the day on which you gave us notice of cancellation. Cancellation may be made by emailing us at [email protected] or via the cancellation form available in your account. 
Please note that in the case of an app subscription, your subscription will be subject to Apple’s and Google’s applicable payment policy. You may cancel your subscription or request a refund on Apple and Google in account settings, or according to the current process outlined by Apple or Google.
For users accessing services through a partner organisation, additional terms may apply in accordance with their own terms
16. Paying Educators 
To register as a Paying Educator, you must be a verified teacher, tutor or administrator of an education provider. We reserve the right to accept or reject your status as a verified Paying Educator and the right to change your status at any time. If you’re not verified, you will not be able to use the Service as a Paying Educator. As a Paying Educator, you are responsible for ensuring that students added to your account have appropriate and lawful access to the Service. This includes securing necessary permissions from parents or guardians where applicable and managing login credentials to ensure that only the intended students have access to the associated EdPlace accounts.
17. Changes to Terms and Conditions
We reserve the right, from time to time, with or without notice to you, to change these Terms and Conditions at our sole discretion. We also reserve the right to terminate agreements with Users or partner organisations if they fail to comply with these Terms and Conditions or any other applicable agreements. The Terms and Conditions applicable to your use of the Service will be the version that is current and displayed on this website as of each date you access this website (or any other website operated by EdPlace Limited). Your use of the Service after changes are made means that you agree to be bound by such changes. If you do not wish to accept the new Terms and Conditions, you should not continue to use the Service.
18. Privacy and Data Collection
Your privacy is important to us. You can find all the details about how we may collect, store and use information about you, your child or your student in our Privacy Policy.  Our Privacy Policy also contains details about who we may share your data with (including our Group companies who provide tutoring services), and sets out all the details about your data protection rights.  
Our website uses cookies to distinguish you from other users of our website. Please refer to our Cookie Policy to learn more.
We will only use your personal information as set out in our Privacy and Cookie policies.
If you download our application from an app store, then the applicable app store will be a data controller for any personal data you share with them. The app store’s privacy policy will set out how they collect and process any personal data you share with them, and you should make yourself familiar with their policy before sharing your data with them.
19. Password and Security
If you register to become a Member, you will be asked to create a password. You must keep this password confidential and must not disclose it or share it with anyone. You will be responsible for all activities that occur under your registered email and password. You can change your password at any time by logging into your account and updating your password via the “My details” section. If you have any concerns relating to the security of your account please contact us at [email protected]
Educator account owners are responsible for managing password change requests from students accessing the Service via your account.
20. Excluded Services
The Service does not include the provision of a computer or other necessary equipment to access the site. To use EdPlace, you will require internet connectivity and appropriate telecommunication links. We shall not be liable for any telephone or other costs that you may incur.
21. Availability of EdPlace
Although we aim to offer you the best service possible, we can make no promise that EdPlace will meet your requirements. We cannot guarantee that the Service will be fault-free. If a fault occurs in the service, you should report it to [email protected] and we will attempt to correct the fault as soon as we reasonably can. Your access to EdPlace may be occasionally restricted to allow for repairs, maintenance or the introduction of new facilities or services. We will attempt to restore the service as soon as we reasonably can.
We strive to provide custom-branded accounts that align with your organisation`s branding requirements. However, we cannot guarantee that all instances of our Service, including but not limited to content, user interfaces, and feedback forms accessed directly via user accounts, will be entirely free from EdPlace branding. Some elements of our platform, such as subdomain URLs, activity introductions, system messages, and feedback requests, may still carry EdPlace identifiers. By using a custom-branded account, you acknowledge and accept these limitations.
22. Cancellation by Us
In the event that you are in breach of any of these Terms & Conditions, including our Fair Usage Policy (section 5) above, we reserve the right to cancel or restrict your use of the Service at our sole discretion. We will provide you with reasonable notice where possible, but if the cancellation is due to a breach by you, then we may cancel your use of the Service immediately and without notice.
23. Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitations on Liability
Nothing in this clause 23 (Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitations on Liability) or otherwise in these Terms and Conditions, shall exclude or in any way limit our liability for:
- fraud;
- death or personal injury caused by our negligence (including negligence as defined in the Consumer Rights Act 2015); or
- liability to the extent the same may not be excluded or limited as a matter of law.


Subject to the provisions of the Consumer Rights Act 2015, the Service and its contents are provided "as is" and on an "as available" basis and we make no representations or warranties of any kind with respect to it, including as to the accuracy, completeness or currency of the Service and its content. If we are informed of any inaccuracies in the material on EdPlace, we will attempt to correct the inaccuracies as soon as we reasonably can.
We assume no liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions in the content of the Service; any incompatibility of the Service with any or your equipment, software or telecommunications links; technical complications including errors or interruptions to the Service; unsuitability, unreliability or inaccuracy of EdPlace; inadequacy of EdPlace to meet your requirements. 
We, including our shareholders, directors, officers, and employees, will not be responsible for any special or unexpected damages (known in law as ‘special, incidental, indirect or consequential losses’), or any other losses that happen because you cannot use our service, lose data, or lose profits. This is true even if we were told these things could happen and no matter the reason. If a law says we cannot fully limit our responsibility in this way, we will follow the law as much as possible.
Subject to this clause our maximum liability to you, (whether in contract, tort, (including negligence), breach of statutory duty or otherwise), arising out of or in connection directly or indirectly with your use of the Service shall not exceed the total amount paid by you to us in respect of your membership in the month preceding any such claim.
24. Third Party Websites
For your convenience, EdPlace includes links to other websites. However, we do not control these websites and are not responsible for their content.
25. Partner Responsibilities
Partner organisations that resell our services are responsible for:
- Ensuring their users are aware of and comply with these Terms and Conditions;
- Providing accurate and truthful information about EdPlace’s services;
- Managing their users` access and usage of EdPlace services in compliance with applicable laws and regulations; 
- Handling all first-line support queries from their users and escalating to EdPlace support when necessary. 
26. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales and any disputes will be decided only by the English courts.
27. International Use
EdPlace Limited makes no promise that materials on EdPlace are appropriate or available for use in locations outside the United Kingdom, and accessing EdPlace from territories where its contents are illegal or unlawful is prohibited. If you choose to access this site from locations outside the United Kingdom, you do so on your own initiative and are responsible for compliance with local laws.
28. Miscellaneous
You may not assign, sub-license or otherwise transfer any of your rights under these Terms. 
If any provision of these Terms is found to be invalid by any court having competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of that provision will not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of these Terms, which shall remain in full force and effect.
If you breach these Terms and EdPlace Limited ignores this, we will still be entitled to use our rights and remedies at a later date or in any other situation where you breach the Terms.
EdPlace Limited shall not be responsible for any breach of these Terms and Conditions caused by circumstances beyond our control.
A person who is not a party to these Terms shall have no rights under the Contract (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any term of these Terms and Conditions but this shall not affect any right or remedy of a third party, which exists or is available apart from that Act.
If you have any queries or complaints please contact Customer Services by email at [email protected] or by telephone on +44 (0)207 1839818.