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Understand How to Crack Letter Codes

In this worksheet, students will turn words into code and turn coded words back into their original words. This will develop student's encoding and problem-solving skills.

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'Understand How to Crack Letter Codes' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 3 11+ worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Verbal Reasoning

Curriculum subtopic:   Letter Code Breaking

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

Hi there, word detective! We have another letter code for you to crack. Are you up to the challenge?


Did you know that you can hide a word by changing every letter into a different letter by following a pattern?


This special pattern is called a code.


Look at this code. How has it been created?


A = C B = D C = E D = F E = G F = H
G = I H = J I = K J = L K = M L = N
M = O N = P O = Q P = R Q = S R = T
S = U T = V U = W V = X W = Y X = Z
Y = A Z = B        


This code skips forwards two letters in the alphabet.


Let’s use this code chart to help us with the following question:


If the code for CAT is ECV...


The code for DOG is ____.

Kitten laying on dog


If we find D, then O, then G in the code chart, we can work out that the code FQI represents the word DOG.  


Sometimes, we have to work backwards from a given code. Let’s look at this question as an example:


If RGC is the code for PEA, then VQR is the code for ____.


We need to start on the right-hand side and find the letters V, then Q, then R and record the associated letters.  If we do this, we find that the word is TOP.  


edplace 11+ detective


Here's a handy hint to help you reach superstar status:            

You may need to keep a pencil and paper handy to do your working out on. Use the code chart to work out the code for each word.


In this activity, you will need to be a code cracker and work out which code represents each word. Remember that if you are working backwards from a code, you will need to look at which letters changed to make them.


Good luck, code cracker!

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