The following activity is a practice exercise to help you measure your success under timed conditions.
If you are unsure of an answer, move on to the next question.
You should come back to questions you found difficult at the end if you have time.
Imagine that the square below is a piece of paper:
Now, imagine that piece of paper being folded in half along the dotted line:
Then visualise someone hole-punching two holes in the folded piece of paper as below:
Now we need to imagine what the piece of paper would look like once it has been unfolded again.
We have 3 possible options to choose from:
a) b) c)
The correct answer is a, as one hole was punched on the left-hand side and closer to the top while the other hole was punched on the right-hand side and closer to the bottom:
Now it's time to begin this practice exercise.
Good luck!