An adverb describes a verb (a 'doing' or 'action' word).
Using adverbs helps to make our writing more interesting.
The cyclist pedalled furiously down the road.
Most adverbs end in the the letters -ly, but not all of them do, so the best way to check whether a word is an adverb is to see whether it answers the question 'How did they do it?'.
How did the cyclist pedal?
He pedalled furiously.
This is our adverb.
Take a look at the next sentence:
The girl played the piano well.
How did the girl play the piano?
Answer: well.
The word well is an adverb in this sentence as it tells us how the girl played the piano.
Can you spot an adverb in the following sentence?
The woolly sheep munched the grass.
This was a trick question!
There isn't an adverb in this sentence!
The word woolly ends in -ly but it is not an adverb because it doesn't answer the question 'How?' It is actually an adjective!
Could you think of an adverb to describe how the sheep munched the grass?
We could have:
The woolly sheep hungrily munched the grass.
Keep your eyes peeled for adverbs in this activity.