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Use the Prefixes Super-, Anti- and Auto-

In this worksheet, students will learn about the meanings of the prefixes super-, anti- and auto- and apply this knowledge to deduce the meanings of words.

'Use the Prefixes Super-, Anti- and Auto-' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 4 English worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Reading: Word Reading

Curriculum subtopic:   Root Word Awareness

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

In this activity, we’re going to be looking at prefixes.



Prefixes are groups of letters added in front of a word to make a new word.

Most of the time, we can add a prefix to a word without changing the spelling of the word.


For example:

Super + hero = superhero

Anti + clockwise = anticlockwise

Auto + biography = autobiography


The Prefix Super-

What does the word super tell us about the hero?




The prefix super means greater or above.

A superhero is greater than a normal hero.


Can you think of any other words with the prefix super?


We can have:

Super + market = supermarket

Super + natural = supernatural


A supermarket is greater (or bigger) than a normal market or shop.


The Prefix Anti-

What does the prefix anti- in anticlockwise tell us?


The prefix anti means against or the opposite.

Anticlockwise means the opposite direction to clockwise.




Here are some other words with the prefix anti:


Anti + biotic = antibiotic

Anti + freeze = antifreeze


An antibiotic works against the spread of bacteria.

Antifreeze is a liquid that stops things from freezing. Antifreeze is against freezing.


The prefix Auto-

What does the prefix auto- tell us in autobiography?


The prefix auto- means self and an autobiography is a biography written by that person themselves.


Here are some other words with the prefix auto:





a hand writing


In this activity, you’ll be looking at words with the prefixes super-, anti- and auto-.

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