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Recognise Alliteration and Onomatopoeia

In this worksheet, students will identify alliteration and examples of onomatopoeia from a text.

'Recognise Alliteration and Onomatopoeia' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 5 English worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Reading: Comprehension

Curriculum subtopic:   Discuss Author Language

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

Look at the picture below.




How would you describe this chick?


We could use adjectives such as cute, fluffy and hungry.


We could also use alliteration to describe it.

Alliteration is where two or more words in a sentence begin with the same sound. These words have to be close to or next to each other.


Here's some alliteration describing the chick:

The cheeky chick pecked the edge of the fence.


Can you see that there are two words next to each other beginning with ch?


Be careful when looking for alliteration as the same letter doesn't always give you the same sound!

In curly circle the c makes a different sound in each word.


We can also use onomatopoeia to help the reader to imagine certain sounds in a story or poem.


Onomatopoeia uses words that sound like a sound.


For example:


examples of onomatopoeia


Can you think of an example of onomatopoeia to show the sound that the chick makes?


You might have come up with:





When we say these words aloud, they sound very similar to the noises that chicks and little birds make.


cheeping chick


In this activity, we'll be on the hunt for alliteration and examples of onomatopoeia in a text.


child listening

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