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SATs Grammar Paper 1

In this assessment, students will be able to complete a grammar and punctuation test in the style of Key Stage 2 SATs.

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'SATs Grammar Paper 1' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 6 English worksheets

Curriculum topic:   SATs Practice Papers

Curriculum subtopic:   Grammar and Punctuation Practice Papers

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

This is a practice grammar and punctuation test in the style of a Key Stage 2 National Test.


In the real Key Stage 2 National Test, you will write your answers in a special test booklet, in spaces provided.


At EdPlace, you will use the computer to enter your answers and you can use a pencil and paper to make jottings if needed.


This paper includes a variety of grammar and punctuation based questions from the Key Stage 2 programme of study.


For each question, you will be given instructions about how to answer. 

Some questions may need an answer to be typed.

Others may need you to match words or phrases, select text or choose correct answers.


There are 50 questions in the test. 

The test is timed and the timer is set for 45 minutes.

Each question should take no more than 1 minute.

As you get faster and more confident this should be less than 1 minute.


Don't worry if you don't finish in this time, you can carry on working after the timer has run out. 

All questions are worth 1 mark.

These questions will be marked automatically.


You may find some of the questions difficult.

If you are struggling to answer a question, do not waste time on it, but move onto the next question.



We have no affiliation to the Standards and Testing Agency (STA) and these questions represent our own unique content developed by EdPlace Key Stage 2 English authors.

None of the content displayed here has been supplied by the STA or any other third party suppliers.

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