In this activity, we will be finding numbers that lie between two given numbers.
A number line can help us work out which numbers would be between two numbers.
This number line could help us to find numbers between 725 and 765.
Any number less than 725 is not allowed.
Any number between 725 and 765 will be fine.
Any number greater than 765 is not allowed.
So there are lots of possible answers, such as:
741, 750, 726, 759, 761
Let's try an example question together.
Find four numbers between 655 and 695.
Any number less than 655 is not allowed.
Any number between 655 and 695 will be fine.
Any number greater than 695 is not allowed.
There are many possible answers but some of them could include: 662, 672, 681, 670, 680
Now it's your turn to try some questions.