In this activity, we will be learning how to compare unit fractions.
First of all, we need to check that we know the words numerator and denominator!
Don't worry!
The numerator is the number on the top of a fraction.
The denominator is the number on the bottom of a fraction.
A unit fraction uses one as a numerator.
We can compare unit fractions by looking at their denominators.
The larger the denominator, the smaller the unit fraction.
Let's look at an example of comparing unit fractions.
Which fraction is larger?
The two unit fractions shown on the fraction strips are one half and one third.
We can see that 1/2 takes up more space than 1/3.
1/2 is the larger fraction.
We could write this statement to compare the two fractions.
1/2 > 1/3
Now you are ready to try some of these for yourself!