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Solve Word Problems Using Addition and Subtraction

In this worksheet, students will solve two-step word problems using addition and subtraction.

'Solve Word Problems Using Addition and Subtraction' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 4 Maths worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Number: Addition and Subtraction

Curriculum subtopic:   Use Correct Methods to Problem Solve

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

We might sometimes think that we don't really need maths, but we are using it all the time, often without realising it!


Just think about going to the shops.  We need to make sure we have enough money to buy the things we want and check we are given the correct change! 


What about playing a board game - we need to be able to add up the scores!



These are just two examples of how we use maths every day.


In this activity, we are going to practise using addition and subtraction to answer everyday word problems. 

In some of the questions we will have to do more than one calculation, so reading the question carefully is very important!



John and Carl take part in a competition to see how many books they can read over the summer. 

John reads 16 and Carl reads 22.

How many more books did Carl read than John?


First, we need to identify the key information.

John reads 16

Carl reads 22


The question asks us how many more books Carl has read, so we need to find the difference, which means subtraction.

22 - 16 = 6

Carl read 6 more books than John.


boy reading


Now let's look at another example, but this time we need to do more than one calculation!


Pens cost 50 pence each and pencils cost 25 pence each.


a pot of colour pens


How much would 3 pens and 2 pencils cost altogether?


First, we need to work out the cost of 3 pens.

50 + 50 + 50 = 150 = £1.50 (150 pence is the same as £1.50)


Next, we work out the cost of 2 pencils.

25 + 25 = 50p


Finally, we add together the two totals.

£1.50 + 50p = £2.00 (200 pence)

The total cost is £2


Now, why don't you have a go at some questions like these? 


Remember to read the question carefully and highlight the important information!

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