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Identify Fractions, Decimals and Percentages of a Shaded Shape

In this worksheet, students will identify the fraction, decimal or percentage shaded in a rectangle.

Worksheet Overview

In this activity, we will be learning how to express fractions as decimals and percentages. 


Decimals are a way of showing fractions using place value. 

Percentages are a way of showing fractions as a value out of one hundred. 


Let's see what this means.


 Fraction bar


In this rectangle, 3 tenths are shaded green, 6 tenths are shaded yellow and one tenth red.


We can express 3/10 as the equivalent fraction 30/100, or 30%.


There are other ways to write these fractions using equivalent fractions, decimals or percentages.


This table shows some other common fractions and decimals as their percentage equivalent. 


Fraction table


If we remember that the columns after the decimal point are tenths, hundredths and thousandths, this will help us convert fractions to decimals:


2/10 = 0.2

5/100 = 0.05

8/1000 = 0.008


Percentage is out of 100:

3/10 = 30/100 = 30%

0.7 = 7/10 = 70/100 = 70%


Let's try an example question. 



Ben bakes 10 cakes. 

Sally eats 6 of them


What percentage does Ben have left?



Ben starts with 10 cakes. 

Sally eats 6 - she must have been hungry!


Ben has 4 cakes left out of 10. 

We can write this as the fraction 4/10.


We can make an equivalent fraction of 4/10 = 40/100.


Percentages means 'out of one hundred'. 

So, Ben has only 40% of his cupcakes left. 


angry boy


Now it's your turn to try some questions like this!

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