This activity is about finding percentages of numbers using a calculator.
When working out a percentage, we are actually trying to calculate an amount out of a hundred.
Percent means out of a hundred.
If we are working out 40% of a number, we can do this by considering 40% as 40/100 which means 40 ÷ 100 = 0.40.
So we can work out 40% of 20 by 0.40 x 20.
Try putting this into your calculator, you should get an answer of 8.
Let us look at some more examples.
Example 1
30% of 80
30% means 30/100 = 0.30
0.30 x 80 = 24
Example 2
60% of 400
60% means 60/100= 0.60
0.60 x 400 = 240
Example 3
70% of 90
70% means 70/100 = 0.70
0.70 x 90 = 63
Do you feel ready to try some on your own?