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Practise Translating Word Problems into Algebra

In this worksheet, students will choose the expression that matches the given word problem.

'Practise Translating Word Problems into Algebra' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 3

Year:  Year 7 Maths worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Algebra

Curriculum subtopic:   Use and Interpret Algebraic Notation

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

In a previous activity, we represented word problems using algebraic expressions.

Let's take it a bit further.


If you decided to go to the shop to buy a chocolate bar and your friends then asked you to get one for them, you would not write the order like this:

1 lumpy caramel chewy 

1 lumpy caramel chewy

1 lumpy caramel chewy

1 nutty caramel chewy

1 nutty caramel chewy



It has to be easier to write 3L + 2N where L means lumpy and N means nutty.


What about this one?

If I wrote 2P what could it mean?


Answer - Well, we don't know what P is (it could be absolutely anything, clouds, sweets, cars, apples .....) but we do know that there are 2 of them. 


A question could look like this:



What does 2f + 4h - 5t mean?



f multiplied by 2, add h multiplied by 4, subtract t multiplied by 5


So, now we know how to get from the statement to the algebraic expression ........... and back again!


Let's try some questions!

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