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Look at the Uses of Reflective Materials

In this worksheet, students will evaluate different materials and choose the best materials or items for different purposes.

'Look at the Uses of Reflective Materials' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 3 Science worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Light

Curriculum subtopic:   Reflecting Light

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

What do you know about reflective materials?


funny scientist cartoon


We love looking at ourselves in the mirror!

...Not really, but a mirror is a great example of a  reflective material.


man looking at his reflection in mirror

Mirrors actually reflect light so well that we can see ourselves very clearly in them, but there's always something off about our reflection...do you know what it is?


We are back to front!

Try looking in a mirror, if you raise your left hand, it looks like your right hand - pretty cool right!?


lady looking at small mirror reflection


Now, let's get into today's activity!

Different materials are used for different purposes.

For example, mirrors are made of very reflective glass and metal together, but would the same mirror material be useful on a firefighter's coat?


girl thinking

Probably not, because it would make the coat very heavy and would be too reflective! They just need to be seen at night, not for people to look at their reflections in their coats!


The best reflective materials are smooth, shiny and flat.


Reflective materials have been created and used for lots of different things, such as:


Traffic cones traffic cone reflective
Emergency service uniforms high vis safety coats
Street signs traffic light sign
Reflectors on bikes and cars (inside the lights) reflectors inside car lights
Reflective panels on emergency service vehicles - such as police cars and ambulances. police car


Can you think of any others you have seen?


In this activity,  we will be looking at reflective materials and sorting and classifying them - ready?


smiley happy boy


Let's go!

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