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Understand How Shadows are Related to Light Sources and Materials

In this worksheet, students will think about how a light source or material can affect the shadows that are created.

'Understand How Shadows are Related to Light Sources and Materials' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 3 Science worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Light

Curriculum subtopic:   Changes in Shadows

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

What is darkness?


Darkness is the absence of light.

So it only makes sense that if we shine a light at something and then block some of that light's path, we will create darkness behind it.


how shadows work diagram

Objects that block a light source's path are just taking away the light in that area.

Did you know that using and making shadow puppets began around 2,000 years ago in China!


shadow puppets


You can try making your own hand puppets. Try shining a lamp or torch at a plain background - a wall works well!

Then use your hands to make different shapes in front of the light - by blocking the light, a shadow will appear on the wall!


If we move our hands closer to the light source, what do you think will happen?


girl thinking question marks


The shadow gets bigger the closer the object is to the light. So if we move our hands closer to the light source, our hands will look larger than life!

If we move our hands further away, the shadow will be smaller.

how shadows change lamp ball shadow


The closer the light source is to the object, the bigger the shadow will appear.


The length of a shadow can change too.

When a light is directly above or in front of an object, the shadow will be directly underneath or in front of the object. Have you ever noticed your shadow almost disappears in the middle of the day when the Sun is directly overhead?


When a light is to one side of a object, the shadow will appear in the opposite direction to the light source and it will be longer. This is why our shadow will be longer in the evening when the Sun is lower in the sky and to one side of us.


long shadow on grass


If you have a torch or lamp you can try this one yourself too! Try shining a light directly at your hand - the shadow should appear directly behind it.

Now try moving the light source to the left or right. What do you think will happen?

The shadow will now look longer - it might look like you have a very long hand and fingers!


So we can change the shadows we make by changing three things:


1  The distance between the light and the object it is shining on

2  The angle of the light hitting the object

3  The opacity of the material - this means how much light is let through the material


In this activity, we will be thinking about these three factors and how they change shadows!


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