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Explore the Suitability of Different Habitats

In this worksheet, students will be challenged to deduce the most suitable habitat for a particular organism.

'Explore the Suitability of Different Habitats' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 6 Science worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Evolution and Inheritance

Curriculum subtopic:   Adaptation

Popular topics:   Biology old worksheets

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

 A habitat is where an organism lives - it is its home.


A habitat must provide three things to be suitable for an organism:


1)  The right sort of shelter: for example, the sea is no good for a robin as there's no nesting material for it and it can't swim!




2) The right sort of food: for example, an osprey eats fish, so it won't be found living in a desert.




3) A suitable mate: for example, if a rat swims to an island where there are no other rats, the rat species will not survive there once it dies.




So, in this activity, you'll look at a habitat, and choose the most likely organism to live there, or you'll match up an organism with the best habitat for it.


boy with magnifying glass


Sound like fun? Let's go!

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