Hi shape sorter, we’ve come across this pattern of symbols and we need your help.
Which image would come next in this series?
We must choose one image from the following:
a) b)
This is a repeated pattern series as it is going from a black triangle to a white circle and back to a black triangle again.
Say the pattern out loud: “Black triangle, white circle, black triangle, white circle…” What comes next?
The correct answer is d as we need another black triangle after the circle.
Let’s try another one:
Which image would complete this sequence?
We must choose one image from the following:?
a) b)
This question is a bit like the one above, as there is a repeated pattern going from black circles to white circles.
In questions like this, it is a helpful idea to see if there is anything we can count.
If we count the circles here, we can see that we are adding one more circle each time.
The last shape has four white circles so this means we need five black circles to complete the pattern.
This makes image c the correct answer.
It’s now your turn to find the next image in the series.
Remember to look for repeated patterns and see if there is anything you can count.