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Find the 3D Cube Net

In this worksheet, students will find the 2D shapes that are used within different nets. It will develop their understanding of nets and 2D shapes.

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'Find the 3D Cube Net' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 3 11+ worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Spatial and Non-Verbal Reasoning

Curriculum subtopic:   3D Cube Nets

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

Welcome back, shape superstar!

Did you know that a net is a special pattern made up of 2D shapes?

If you fold this pattern where the lines are, it will become a 3D shape.


Take a look at this net:


You can see that all of the faces are squares.

Which 3D shape does this net fold to make?


That’s right, it's a cube!


A cube is made up of 6 square faces.

No more and no less.


There are many other nets which fold together to make a cube.

Here they are:



edplace 11+ detective


Top Tip: Remember, you can turn back to this introduction at any time should you need to view each net which makes a cube.


Which of the following nets would fold to make a cube?

a)         b)         c) 


Did you choose option a?

Well done, this folds to make a cube and has 6 square faces.

It’s now your turn to identify the nets that will fold to make a given cube.

Let’s get started!

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