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Find the Regular or Irregular Shape Folded Vertically

In this worksheet, students will visualise folding regular and irregular shapes (including pentagons, hexagons, arrows, hearts, etc.) along a vertical dashed line. They will then identify a shape that matches the original one after folding.

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'Find the Regular or Irregular Shape Folded Vertically' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 3 11+ worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Spatial and Non-Verbal Reasoning

Curriculum subtopic:   Folding Paper

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

Welcome shape detective! Are you ready to use the visual part of your brain and imagine shapes in your head?


Look at the shape below:



Now imagine that this same shape has been folded along the dashed line shown below.


The direction of the arrow shows us which way it has been folded.




Which of the following images would look like this shape after it has been folded?


a)         b)      c) 


The correct answer is c!


If you imagine folding the circle in half, we would be left with an exact semi-circle.




Let’s explore another example now. 


Imagine this shape has been folded along the dashed line:




Which of the following images would show what it looks like after it has been folded?


a)         b)         c) 


The correct answer is a!


Don’t be fooled by option b as it has been folded in the wrong direction.



It’s now your turn to visualise folding other shapes.


EdPlace 11+ detective

Pssstt!! Here’s a handy hint to help you reach superstar status:


If you find this challenging, you can create the shapes on a piece of paper and try folding them in real life.


Good luck, fab folder!

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