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Find the Synonym Including Homophone Spellings

In this worksheet, students will find synonyms and antonyms of a given word, which will include homophone spellings, using a rhyming word as a clue to the correct answer.

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'Find the Synonym Including Homophone Spellings' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 5 11+ worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Verbal Reasoning

Curriculum subtopic:   Rhyming Synonyms and Antonyms

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

Have you already done some synonym or antonym practice, word detective?

Synonyms are words that mean the same or have a very similar meaning to other words.  Does that sound familiar?

They are words like lucky and fortunate, or elderly and old.


A granny and her grandchildren


What about an antonym? Antonyms are two words which are opposite in meaning.

These could be words like shrink and swell, or guilty and innocent.


A judge          


We have an extra step in our challenge today, as not only will you be spotting synonyms and antonyms, you will also be looking out for rhyming words.

Let's try one together so you get the idea.


Here are two clues to a word. We need to find the missing word which completes the second bracket. So how do we work this out?


Lumpy  (GRUMPY)  Irritated

Mile       (                  )  Unpleasant

Which word could it be?

Smile   Trial   Vile   Present   Peasant


In the clue, the word in brackets rhymes with the first word, and is a synonym for the second word. Lumpy rhymes with grumpy, and grumpy is a synonym for irritated. We need to apply the same rule to find our answer.


A grumpy child


This means we need a word that rhymes with mile, and is similar in meaning to unpleasant. Can you spot the answer now?

That's right. Our word is vile because it is similar in meaning to unpleasant and rhymes with mile.


A pile of rubbish


Let's try another.

Here are two clues to a word. We need to find the missing word to fill the second bracket. So how do we work this out?

Ache      ( FAKE )     Genuine

Waited   (            )     Ignorant


Which word could it be?

Literate   Tutored   Translated   Uninformed   Educated


A child at school


Can you spot the correct word? Again, the word before the brackets, ache, rhymes with the word inside the first set of brackets, fake. This time though, the word in brackets, fake, is opposite in meaning to the word outside the brackets: genuine.

This means we are looking for an antonym for our second set of brackets this time. 

There it is! The answer is educated because it is an antonym for ignorant and it rhymes with waited.


Let's try one more together.

Here are two clues to a word. Find the missing word to fill the second bracket. 

Law      ( CORE )     Centre

Pays   (            )     Lift

Which word could it be?

Rays   Daze   Raise   Drop   Reduce


A crane


First of all, let's check whether we're looking for a synonym or an antonym. Centre is similar in meaning to core, so this is a synonym question. We need a word that is similar in meaning to lift, that also rhymes with pays. Can you spot any possibilities?

This is slightly trickier. Can you see why? We have a homophone pair to separate. Which spelling, rays or raise, means to lift something? That would be raise, so we've cracked the code to solve this one!


It's nearly time for you to get started now, word detective.

Before you do, here’s a handy hint to help you reach superstar status!


edplace 11+ detective


Top tip: A thesaurus is a great resource to use to look up synonyms for words. Then you can match up the ones that rhyme.

A dictionary and a thesaurus

Good luck, word detective and don't forget to make sure your answer fits with both clues each time!

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