Look at this table which shows the place value of numbers up to thousands and down to thousandths.
Notice the decimal point which is always found between the ones and tenths columns.
Whole numbers are on the left side of the decimal point and decimal numbers are on the right of the decimal point.
You should know the value of each column and understand how each number is written.
In some of the questions in this activity, we will be going further to the left and right of the decimal point! We might be asked to identify numbers up to millions or down to millionths!
Here's a list of the order in case it helps!
Whole numbers moving from the decimal point to the left: ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, hundred thousands and millions.
Decimal numbers moving from the decimal point to the right: tenths, hundredths, thousandths, ten thousandths, hundred thousandths and millionths.
Let's get started on those questions.