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Recognise Rhyming Couplets

In this worksheet, students will practise identifying rhyming couplets in a variety of rhymes.

'Recognise Rhyming Couplets' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 1

Year:  Year 2 English worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Reading: Comprehension

Curriculum subtopic:   Recognise Literary Language

Popular topics:   Reading Comprehension worksheets

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

Poets use rhyme in different ways when writing poetry (and some poems don't rhyme at all).


Rhyming couplets are two consecutive lines of poetry that rhyme with each other. This means that the second rhyme comes straight after the first rhyme with no lines in between.


Look at this well-known nursery rhyme:


a well


Ding dong bell,

Pussy's in the well.

Who put her in?

Little Johnny Thin.

Who pulled her out?

Little Tommy Stout.


Each set of two lines is called a rhyming couplet. So in this nursery rhyme there are three rhyming couplets.

Rhyming couplets are very common in nursery rhymes.


In this activity,  you can read different nursery rhymes and decide whether or not they contain rhyming couplets.


girl thinking

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