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Understand and Recognise Past and Present Tense Verbs

In this worksheet, students will practise spotting present and past tense verbs, using the sentence context to help them.

'Understand and Recognise Past and Present Tense Verbs' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 1

Year:  Year 2 English worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Writing: Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation

Curriculum subtopic:   Use Past and Present Tense

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

In this activity we will be learning all about the past and present tense.


alarm clock


When we talk or read about the past, it is something that has already happened. It is in the past and we can think that it has passed -  it is gone.


When we talk about the present, we are talking about right now - things that are happening currently.

Imagine you have lots of toys!


The things you're playing with right now go in the 'now zone' section, but the ones you put away after playtime go in the 'then zone'.


colourful wooden blocks box of toys and objects
Now zone Then zone


Present tense verbs are like the toys you're using right now. They tell us what's happening in the 'now zone'.


For example: I eat an apple. (You're eating it right now!)


girl eating apple

The dog barks at the postman. (The dog is barking right now!)

Past tense verbs are like the toys you put away. They tell us what happened in the 'then zone'. 


For example: I ate an apple earlier. (You finished eating it already.)


eaten apple core

The dog barked at the postman yesterday. (It's not barking any more.)

So, the next time you hear a verb, think about whether it's happening in the 'now' zone, or if it belongs in the 'then zone' and it has been put away.

Remember, practice makes perfect! You'll be a grammar champion in no time!


golden trophy

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