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Recognise Different Sentence Types

In this worksheet, students will lean about different sentence types and begin to recognise their key features.

'Recognise Different Sentence Types' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 1

Year:  Year 2 English worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Writing: Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation

Curriculum subtopic:   Use Sentences with Different Forms

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

There are four main types of sentences.


Once you know how they work and what they look like, you’ll be using them in your own writing in no time!


These are used to find out more information and they are also a great way to make the reader think more about something like this:

What is the best way to make pancakes?





These often start with the word ‘what’ or ‘how’ (not to be confused with questions) and show surprise or excitement, like this:

How fascinating! or What a wonderful day!

Exclamations can also be used to show emphasis, strength, or shouting.


boy shouting in forest


But be careful, an exclamation that is telling you to do something, is a command, like this: Eat your dinner! or Brush your teeth! 

Read below to find out about commands.



These are used to give instructions. Commands have verbs - action words - that tell you to do something, like Stop! or Pick that up! 

Sometimes they have an exclamation like this: Go to bed now! 

And sometimes they are simple instructions, like in a recipe: Next, mix the butter and sugar together.


son and mother cooking together



These are facts or opinions, or just information about something, like this:

The tree is blowing in the wind. or, I can see a house over there.


Housing estate houses and trees


In this activity, we will practise recognising different sentence forms and start to spot the clues that tell us what type of sentence it is.

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