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Learn to Use the Suffix -ly to Make Adverbs Including Exceptions

In this worksheet, students will learn how to use the suffix -ly and some of the exceptions to the rules.

'Learn to Use the Suffix -ly to Make Adverbs Including Exceptions' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 4 English worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Reading: Word Reading

Curriculum subtopic:   Root Word Awareness

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

In this activity, we’re going to be using the suffix -ly to turn words into adverbs.


Adverbs tell us how something is done. For example, quickly is an adverb.


Here, the suffix -ly has been added on to the root word quick.

quick + ly = quickly


car travelling fast


For lots of words, we can simply add -ly to create an adverb.


For example:

slow + ly = slowly

glad + ly = gladly

usual + ly = usually

final + ly = finally


If a word ends in an l, it ends up having a double l once -ly has been added.


What if the root word ends in a y?

If you do something in a happy way, how do you do it?


You do it happily!


Can you see how the word happy has changed to happily?

If the root word ends in a y, we remove the y and add -ily.


happy girl


Here are some examples:

angry + ly = angrily

grumpy + ly = grumpily

lazy + ly = lazily

easy + ly = easily


grumpy boy


What if the root word ends in -ic?

If you do something in a dramatic way, how do you do it?


You do it dramatically!


Can you see how dramatic changed to dramatically?

If the root word ends in -ic, we add -ally instead of -ly.


dramatic + ally = dramatically

basic + ally = basically

frantic + ally = frantically


There are some exceptions to these rules.


Annoyingly, we just have to learn these exceptions off by heart and here are some of them:







In this activity, you’ll be turning words into adverbs with the suffix -ly.


If the root word ends in a y, remember to remove the y and add -ily and if the root word ends in -ic, remember to add -ally.


You can look back at this page by clicking the red help button on the screen at any point.


boy on computer

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