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Identify the 2D Shape From a Description

In this worksheet, we will read a description and work out which 2D shape is being described.

'Identify the 2D Shape From a Description' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 1

Year:  Year 2 Maths worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Geometry: Properties of Shapes

Curriculum subtopic:   Identify 2D Shapes

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

In this activity, we will be identifying 2D shapes from a description. 

First of all, let's remind ourselves of the 2D shapes. 


There is a square

A square has four sides and four corners. 




We will also be using lines of symmetry to describe a shape. 


A line of symmetry is when each side is the same -  it matches either side of the line.

If we folded the shape along the line of symmetry the folded shape would be the same size. 


If this M was folded along the line of symmetry it would all match up. 




Here are the lines of symmetry on a square:


 lines of symmetry on a square 


A rectangle is similar to a square because it also has four corners and four sides. 


However, on a rectangle, the sides are not all the same. 

The opposite sides are the same length, but the sides touching are different: 




Here are the lines of symmetry on a rectangle - there are only two:




Then we have a circle which has just one, round side. 




A circle has an infinite number of symmetry lines and that means never ending! Wherever you draw a straight line from one side to another through the centre of the circle, it will be symmetrical. 


Here's an oval, which also has just one, round side. It is a bit like a stretched-out circle. 




An oval can have two lines of symmetry like this:   




Next, we have a triangle. A triangle has three sides and three corners. 

Some triangles will have a line of symmetry and some will not - it depends whether or not they are equal. 


This triangle will have a line of symmetry down the middle:


  triangle with line of symmetry 


We also have a kite, which is a kite shape! It has four sides and looks like this:




Let's have a look at the lines of symmetry on a kite:




There is just one line of symmetry on a kite. 


Then we have our shapes with lots of sides!


We have a pentagon which has five sides and five lines of symmetry.




The lines of symmetry are from each corner straight, across to the other side. 


Then, we have the hexagon which has six sides and six lines of symmetry. 




Last but not least, we have an octagon. This has eight sides and eight lines of symmetry. 




Now that we've been through all the shapes, let's have a look at an example question. 



This shape has four sides. 

All the sides are equal. 

What shape is it?



Ok, which shapes have four sides? 

A square, a rectangle, and a kite. 


Which of these shapes has all sides that are the same length? 

It is a square. 

A rectangle and a kite have lines of a different length - look back at the pictures we have here to check. 


Shall we have a go at some questions now?

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