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Select the Most Appropriate Unit of Measure

In this worksheet, students will select the most sensible measurement or unit of measurement for the given object.

' Select the Most Appropriate Unit of Measure' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 4 Maths worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Measurement

Curriculum subtopic:   Use Different Measures

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview


Small masses are measured in grams (g) 

A drawing pin has a mass of 1 g.



Large masses are measured in kilograms (kg) 

A bag of sugar has a mass of 1 kg.



Small lengths are measured in millimetres (mm) or centimetres (cm)

We would measure the length of an ant in mm


an ant

We would measure the length of a book in cm


a red book


Longer lengths are measured in metres (m)

We would measure the length of a classroom in m




Longer distances are measured in kilometres (km)

We would measure the distance between towns in km




Small capacities are measured in millilitres (ml)

We would measure a glass of milk in ml


glass of milk

Larger capacities are measured in litres (l)

We would measure a bucket of water in l


bucket of water



In this activity, we will use the information on this page to answer a variety of questions.


We can look at this page again at any point by clicking on the red help button that will appear on the screen.


Good luck!


carrot thumbs up

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