In this activity, we'll look at how to find a fraction of a whole number.
If this sounds, complicated... don't panic! We'll go through the steps below and you'll see it's easier than it sounds.
To do this, we divide 15 by our denominator.
(Remember, this is the number that is on the bottom or down below our fraction line)
In this case, our denominator is 5 so we need to do the following division calculation:
15 ÷ 5 = 3
Let's look again at the original question.
If you said that we should multiply our answer by 2, you'd be correct!
3 × 2 = 6
There we go, the correct answer is 6.
Always remember to start off by working out what 1/5 is first, and then you can work the rest out from there!
Let's give this a go.