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Solve Equal or Unequal Problems

In this worksheet, students will be asked to solve a range of problems that use the equal sign. Students will have to decide whether the equals sign represents a balanced mathematical statement.

Worksheet Overview

The equals sign (=) is a very important mathematical statement that shows two things are equal in value.


Example 1

True or false?

124 x 2 = 199 + 49


Answer 1:

Work out each side separately.

124 x 2 = 248

199 + 49 = 248


In this example, the two sides are equal as they both total 248. Therefore the statement is true.


Example 2:

True or false?

14² = (5 x 8) + 144


Answer 2:

Work out each side separately.


Remember that to square a number, means to multiply it by itself.

14² = 14 x 14 = 196


(5 x 8) + 144 = 40 + 144 = 184

Remember to complete operations in brackets first.


In this example, the sides are not equal, so it's false.


Let's have a go at spotting the false statements in the questions that follow.


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