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Assessment: Number and Place Value

In this assessment, students will be tested on their knowledge and understanding across a range of skills needed to demonstrate mastery in this topic.

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'Assessment: Number and Place Value' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 5 Maths worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Topic Assessments

Curriculum subtopic:   National Curriculum Objectives

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

It's time to complete a topic assessment.


Are you ready to test your understanding of the topic: Number and Place Value?


Question mark


In this assessment, you'll be asked 20 questions and it should take you roughly 25 minutes to complete.


Stop watch


We'd really recommend you complete this assessment after you've fully completed this topic area to get a really clear picture of your understanding.  


Magnifying glass


This way, you should feel pretty confident in the topic area. But, don't worry if you find some of it challenging! 


This assessment is designed to help you improve your understanding and your confidence, so once you've finished you'll be able to see those areas you've really grasped, and those where you could benefit from spending a little more time.




Best of luck!

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