In this activity, we will be rounding numbers to the nearest 100, 1,000 or 10,000.
Rounding numbers means adjusting the digits (either up or down) to make rough calculations simpler.
Rounding numbers to the nearest 100:
If the tens digit of the number is less than 5, round the number down.
If the tens digit of the number is 5 or more, round the number up.
Question: Round 834 to the nearest 100.
800 < - - - - 834 - - - - - - - - - - - - >900
The tens digit is a 3. This is less than 5.
It is closer to 800, so 834 rounded to the nearest 100 is 800.
Rounding numbers to the nearest 1,000:
When rounding to the nearest 1,000, count in 1,000s either side of your number and choose the nearest.
Question: Round 2,839 to the nearest 1,000
2,000 <- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -2,839 - - - - > 3,000
It's closer to 3,000, so 2,839 rounded to the nearest 1,000 is 3,000.
Rounding numbers to the nearest 10,000:
When rounding to the nearest 10,000, count in 10,000s either side of your number and choose the nearest.
Question: Round 35,783 to the nearest 10,000
30,000 <- - - - - - - - - - - - -35,783 - - - - - - - > 40,000
It's closer to 40,000, so 35,783 rounded to the nearest 10,000 is 40,000.
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