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Understand Commutative Laws with Algebra

In this worksheet, students will manipulate algebraic terms using commutative laws

'Understand Commutative Laws with Algebra' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 3

Year:  Year 7 Maths worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Algebra

Curriculum subtopic:   Use and Interpret Algebraic Notation

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

In this activity, we are going to look at  some rules we use with number and also with algebra.


They are called commutative laws - they sound painful, but they are really easy for you!

It simply means that you can swap around the calculation and still get the same answer.


It works for addition

2 + 3 = 3 + 2

Can you see they are swapped, but the answer is the same?


It works for multiplication

2 x 3 = 3 x 2 

Again, these can be swapped around and the answer is the same.


It does not work for subtraction.

3 - 2 is not equal to 2 - 2

So subtraction is not commutative.


It does not work for division.

3 ÷ 2 is not equal to 2 ÷ 3

So division is not commutative.


Easy right?


green tick


You already know this law using numbers, but sometimes (especially with division) people write them the wrong way round.


Let's try some questions!

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