In this activity, we will multiply by numbers less than 1.
The easiest way to multiply using decimals is to count how many decimal places you have in your calculation and make sure that you have the same number in your answer.
For example, if you wanted to multiply 27 x 0.07 we have two decimal places - we've underlined them so you can see them easily!
Having counted them, we remove the decimal point and simply multiply the digits together: 27 x 7 = 189
Finally, we put the decimal point back in, making sure we still have two decimal places: 1.89
Pretty simple, right?
Here's one more example for you to look at:
42.65 x 0.006
First, count how many decimal places we have in 42.63 x 0.006 - we've underlined them again so you can spot them easily! There are five decimal places.
Remove the decimal point and do this calculation: 4263 x 6 = 25578
Finally, add the decimal point back in, making sure we have five decimal places: 0.25578
Let's have a go at some questions now