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Grouping Plants and Animals

In this worksheet students have to use their knowledge of the living world to place things into their correct groups.

'Grouping Plants and Animals' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 1

Year:  Year 1 Science worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Animals, including Humans

Curriculum subtopic:   Structure of Common Animals

Popular topics:   Biology worksheets, Biology old worksheets

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

There are so many plants and animals in the world and it might seem too big a task to sort them all out. However, it's not too difficult to sort plants out from animals and maybe even some animals from each other. 

Like fish from birds:

Fish have fins and have to live in the water. 

Birds lay eggs, have feathers, and have wings. 

It would be easy to sort these animals into different groups as they are so different. 




Plants are easy to spot as they usually have green leaves and are rooted to the ground so they cannot move. 

We could also sort animals by some of their features, for example, which animals have fur. 

There are a series of pictures of different living things in this activity.  Our task is to place each one into the correct group.

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