Animals, just like plants and humans, have certain things they need to stay healthy and happy.
These are called basic needs.
Water - animals need water to drink. Water is important for animals because it helps them to stay hydrated and cool, especially when it's hot outside.
Food - animals need food for energy and to keep their bodies strong. Some animals eat plants like leaves and fruit, while others eat other animals like insects or fish. Eating the right kind of food helps animals stay healthy and grow big and strong.
Air - animals need air to breathe. They use their noses or gills to take in oxygen from the air or water, which then gives them the energy they need to run, swim and play.
Shelter - animals need a safe place to live, sleep and raise their babies. This could be a nest in a tree, a burrow underground or a den in the rocks. Shelter protects animals from bad weather, keeps them safe from predators and gives them a place to sleep if they are tired.
In this activity, we will decide whether things are needs or wants for pet animals.