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Recognise the Producer, Prey, Predator or Consumer

In this worksheet, students will begin to order food chains and correctly identify the producer, prey, predator or consumer.

'Recognise the Producer, Prey, Predator or Consumer' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 1

Year:  Year 2 Science worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Living Things and Their Habitats

Curriculum subtopic:   Animals: Food and Food Chains

Popular topics:   Biology old worksheets

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

What is a food chain? 


girl thinking question marks


A food chain is a system or the order in which animals get energy from the Sun through their food.


We can split living things into four main categories:


1) Predator = an animal that hunts and kills other animals to eat. They are also called carnivores.


2) Prey = an animal that is caught and killed by other animals to be eaten.


3) Producer = an organism that makes its own food. Plants are producers as they make their own food.


4) Consumer = an animal that eats plants or other animals. Consumers can not make their own food.


Look at the food chain below.


golden sun in sky green grass green garden frog
 Sunlight  Grass  Snail  Frog


In the food chain above, the grass is the producer. Grass makes its own food using energy from the Sun.


brown garden snail small pond frog


The frog and snail are both consumers. They can't make their own food. The snail has to eat the grass for energy and the frog has to eat the snail.


small pond frog


The predator is the frog because it kills and eats the snail (an animal can be a predator and a consumer).


brown garden snail


The prey is the snail because it is killed and eaten by the frog.


In this activity, you will be asked to order food chains and decide if an animal is a producer, the prey, predator or consumer.


girl with grapefruit eyes


Good luck!

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