This is a pumpkin seed. When the seed begins to grow, the roots grow first so that the plant can take in water. They also stop the plant from blowing away.
The stem grows next. The stem grows towards the light.
The leaves also grow towards the light. Leaves make food for the plant using light.
Let's try to remember this information to answer the questions in this activity.
Example question
Why does the pumpkin seed grow roots?
Is it to allow the plant to take in water?
Is it to make a pumpkin?
Is it to catch the sunlight?
The answer is to allow the plant to take in water.
The root soaks up water to feed the plant to allow it to grow!
It will eventually make a pumpkin, but it is a combination of things to successfully grow a pumpkin, not just because of the roots.
The roots do not catch the sunlight as they are underground - it is the leaves' job to do that.
Let's have a go at some questions now.