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Review Our Understanding of Magnets

In this worksheet, students will answer questions about how we use magnetism and how we can investigate magnets.

'Review Our Understanding of Magnets' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 3 Science worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Forces and Magnets

Curriculum subtopic:   Materials: Magnetic or Not?

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

Magnetism is a property of iron, and of materials made mostly from iron.

Non-metals are not magnetic.


Magnets attract objects that contain iron and steel (this is called magnetic attraction), meaning that they exert a pulling force on those objects.


Magnets can also repel other magnets (this is called magnetic repulsion) when similar poles are facing each other. This means that they exert a pushing force on each other.


We use this special magnetic property in many everyday objects such as alarms, fasteners and even credit cards.


Remote car keys contain tiny magnets:


Remote control with key


and so do bank cards:


Credit card


We can investigate the strength of magnets by testing them.


So, let's get stuck into this activity and see what we can find out..


girl thinking

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