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Understand Seed Dispersal

In this worksheet. students will answer questions about how seeds are spread away from the parent plant by environmental factors and animals.

'Understand Seed Dispersal' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 3 Science worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Plants

Curriculum subtopic:   Life Cycle of Flowering Plants

Popular topics:   Biology old worksheets

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

Seed production is how flowering plants reproduce and ensure the survival of the species. Plants have evolved a variety of ways of dispersing their seeds so that they can spread over a wide area and away from the parent plant.




Seeds need to spread away from the parent plant so when they grow they do not have to share water and light. Different flowering plants have evolved many different ways to ensure that their seeds are dispersed. These include:


Being carried by the wind:

Trees in high wind


Carried or eaten by animals:

Squirrel eating nuts


Floating on water:

River scene


Exploding from a pod:

Dandelion-type seed head


So, let's get stuck into seed dispersal and find out how the plants get seeds spread all over the place.

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