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Know How to Group Animals

In this worksheet, students will test their knowledge of animals by classifying them into different groups using features we can see.

'Know How to Group Animals' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 4 Science worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Living Things and Their Habitats

Curriculum subtopic:   Grouping

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

The Animal Kingdom is made up of two main groups: vertebrates and invertebrates.


Vertebrates are animals that possess a backbone (or spine) which, with their skeleton, supports the whole body.


There are five main groups of vertebrates:




Fish: live in water with (often) a scaly skin, breathing with gills and swimming with fins.

Amphibians: lay their eggs in water, hatching into tadpoles which grow into air-breathing animals with a moist smooth skin.

Reptiles: air-breathing animals with a scaly skin that lay their eggs on land.

Birds: egg-laying animals with feathers.

Mammals: often covered with fur, mammals are 'warm-blooded' and give birth to live young which they suckle with milk.


Invertebrates are animals without backbones and there are millions of different sorts on our planet. 


Many have a hard 'shell' on the outside which gives them their shape (it's proper name is an exoskeleton), and a soft inside.


Scorpion Beetle Mussel


Insects are invertebrates which have a hard outside and a soft inside (that means that they go 'scrunch, then squish' when you step on one by mistake - yuk!).


Fly Moth Earwig


Some invertebrates have a soft inside and a soft outside:


Slug Worm


OK, so it's time to find out more about the animal life on our planet, what they're like and how they are sorted into groups. 


Let's get sorting!

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