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Investigate the Speed of Sound Through Different Materials

In this worksheet, students will consider questions about how the speed of sound through different materials can be investigated.

'Investigate the Speed of Sound Through Different Materials' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 4 Science worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Sound

Curriculum subtopic:   How Sounds Travel

Popular topics:   Physics worksheets

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

How does sound get through objects, through the air, to your ears?


woman listening


Well, sound is a form of energy that travels through materials by making particles in the materials vibrate.


When the particles are packed together tightly (making the material dense), the sound waves travel easily and quickly.


a metal plate


In materials where the particles are spread far apart, for example, gases at room temperature, the sound waves do not travel as quickly.


child making an echo


Got that?  


Let's test this out with some questions now.

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