Jargon-busting guide to common school SEND abbreviations and acronyms
Sometimes it can feel like schools, SEND specialists and other professionals have their own language! They use lots of different abbreviations and acronyms, many of which are hard to remember! EdPlace have made things easy for you by compiling all of the most commonly used acronyms below.
List of acronyms that you may commonly hear during school meetings:
EHCP - Education Health and Care Plan (replaced Statement of educational needs)
SENCo - Special Educational Needs Coordinator
PEP - Personal Education Plan
TAF - Team around the family
TAC - Team around the child
FSW - Family Support worker
EWO - Educational Welfare Officer
EP - Educational Psychologist
SALT - Speech and Language Therapist
SPL - Speech and Language
IEP - Individual Education Plan
RI - Reintegration
IIR - Internal Isolation room
AO - Attendance Officer
PP - Pupil Premium
HPL - High Potential Learner
LAC - Looked after child
IU - Inclusion Unit
TA - Teaching Assistant
LSA - Learning Support Assistant
HLTA - Higher Level Teaching Assistant
ELSA - Emotional Literacy Support Assistant
AR - Accelerated Reader
RR - Round Robin
SGO - SafeGuarding Officer
SLT - Senior Leadership Team
SAP - School action plan
OT - Occupational Therapy
SLT - Senior Leadership Team
PRU - Pupil Referral Unit
CAMHs - Child Adolescent Mental Health service
LA - Local Authority
How can EdPlace help students with SEND?
EdPlace has a range of different accessibility features that can assist the learning of children that require access arrangements. The "recite" option reads aloud all of the text and the overlay tab allows you to create a bespoke palette using your prefered font and background colours. There are many different ways that you can customise your screen to ensure that all of the differentiated maths, English and science content and interactive activities are accessible for all.