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Identify the Four Letter Word

In this worksheet, students will find hidden four-letter words which are stretched over the gaps between words in full sentences.

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'Identify the Four Letter Word' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 5 11+ worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Verbal Reasoning

Curriculum subtopic:   Hidden Word

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

Word detective, we need your skills.  Some of our sneaky words have run away and are hiding amongst other words.  With your help we hope we can track them down.


Can you find the word sail hidden between the two words below?

serious ailment


Have you found it?!?

That’s right, it’s here:

serious ailment


This word is hidden in a _ / _ _ _ pattern.

So it is made up of the last letter of one word and the first three letters of the next word.



Let’s try another:

Can you find a four-letter word hidden between the two words below?

the attack


Did you find heat?


It is hidden in a _ _ / _ _ pattern.

So it is made from the last two letters of the first word and the first two of the second word.

the attack



Words can hide in three different patterns:

_ / _ _ _

The last letter of the first word and the first three letters of the second word.

tough elders

_ _ / _ _

The last two letters of the first word and the first two letters of the second word.

drab lesson

_ _ _ / _

The last three letters of the first word and the first letter of the second word.

war memorial


Let’s make this more challenging now!

Can you find the hidden four-letter word in the entire sentence below?

“What a superb ornament!” exclaimed Jessica. 



The hidden word is born in a _ / _ _ _ pattern.

“What a superb ornament!” exclaimed Jessica.



Pssstt!! Here’s a handy hint to help you reach superstar status:

Try covering all of the letters that you’re not looking at with your thumbs.  Move along the sentence so that you only see four letters at a time.


Now it’s time for you to be a hidden word detective and hunt down those sneaky words! Good luck and don’t forget to look out for the patterns.


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