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Apply the Relationship to Select the Correct Symbol

In this worksheet, students will match pairs of shape-based symbols in the same way as a pair of examples. It will develop their ability to categorise and use skills such as rotation and mirror imaging.

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'Apply the Relationship to Select the Correct Symbol' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 5 11+ worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Spatial and Non-Verbal Reasoning

Curriculum subtopic:   Apply the Relationship

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

Let’s go on a symbol spotting adventure!

We are going to compare images and see if we can find a relationship between them, which can help us to see how one of them has been turned into another.


In this question type, we are given two images and we need to work out how the first has been turned into the second.


These are some changes to look out for:


Change  Image example
 The second image in each pair has been rotated. 
 The second image is shaded in a different way. 
 The second image is reflected. 
 Part of the second image has got bigger or smaller. 



Once you understand the pattern between the first pair of images, you can then apply this to the following image and find its mystery partner.



Take a look at this example:



Which of these options would the final shape turn into??

a)         b)         c)         d) 


The theme is that the second image has been rotated 90 degrees anti-clockwise and is shaded in the opposite way to the first.

To find the image which best completes the final pair, we have to find one that has been rotated 90 degrees anti-clockwise and is shaded in the opposite way.

If we apply this, we find that the answer is b!



In this activity, you will need to be a symbol superstar and match images based on a pattern that you will find.

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